China BOPP Film Manufacturer

Manufacturers in the packaging industry can improve by listening to end-users. The Packing Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) recently published a paper that addressed some of the issues of consumer products packagers regarding packaging machinery and those who build it. While each packaging project will have its own set of concerns and issues based on product, container, speed, and other factors, listening to the expectations and concerns of a group of packagers allows machine manufacturers to not only better serve the end-users, but also improve the industry as a whole.


Before the procurement and production of packaging machinery, end customers have always required a certain amount of consultation. Those designing the machinery must have the appropriate knowledge to identify the best answer for every particular project. However, packagers are now asking for skills or information that extends beyond the apparatus being constructed. Packagers would like that those who build the equipment become specialists in the packaging sector in general, with knowledge of rules and regulations, information on different materials, and other related issues. Finally, increased knowledge and skill lead to improved communication and trust, enhancing the relationship between equipment builders and users and assisting in ensuring that the proper equipment is used on each project. 

China BOPP Film Manufacturer


Sustainability is a difficult concept to define, but everyone seems to agree that it must encompass the entire packaging process, not just the product and package. Users of such machinery are concerned about the energy and materials consumed to run a filling machine, capping equipment, or a complete packaging line. To contribute to a sustainable packaging process, equipment producers must seek cleaner, more efficient methods of both building and running equipment.

Furthermore, end customers demand packaging gear to be adaptable enough to handle the packages and products that are being run. Few packagers employ a single bottle and/or product. The packagers want to see equipment that can handle a wide range of package sizes and shapes, with quick changeover times to ensure maximum output on any given day. Flexibility also enhances the possibility of introducing new packages and items without the need to purchase extra equipment.


Communication is a recurring theme in all of the PMMI report's points. Packagers, on the other hand, would like to see better communication throughout the RFP or quoting stages. Specifically, information on not only machine specifications, but also testing, training, and installation. Furthermore, RFPs and prices should be precise, not too optimistic about what can be provided. To achieve these objectives, open and honest communication must flow in both directions to improve the relationship between the packager and the manufacturer and avoid unforeseen complications during the creation, installation, and training of the equipment.


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