Good Packaging And Bad Packaging - Opinion!

Comprehending and analyzing the operation of the packaging business, It's difficult, and it's big business. Consumer product firms have been forced to employ packaging as a vital element of their marketing strategies to be cost-effective. Do you recall the salesperson? When was the last time you encountered someone who was truly knowledgeable about the things in the store? Selling is one of the functions of product packaging. It must inform the buyer about what is contained within the packaging. It also assists you in making an informed purchasing selection from the best polyester film manufacturer

Let me ask you another question. When was the last time you purchased something in a shopworn, dog-eared package? Another packaging task is to safeguard and secure the product within (what a concept).

One thing these skeptics never address is who pays for defective merchandise. Of course, you, the buyer, do! According to one study, fresh produce that is adequately wrapped wastes 20% of its value. Detractors argue that there should be no superfluous produce packaging! What will the waste factor be if there is no or restricted packaging? And who will bear this burden? You will not, once again, be able to rely on the package producers or the sellers.


My head is numb from all the uproar over terrible packaging: awful packaging, excess packaging, wrap rage packing, getting rid of packaging, leaving packaging at the store, and so on. This one gets to me as well: reports about how many people get injured while attempting to open packages.

Packaging is being attacked by the very people who require it the most but understand it the least: the consumer. This week, I counted at least ten stories denouncing the scourge of packing. It is true, however, that what constitutes excess packaging is in the eye of the beholder. But how can one not be misled by media stories like this?

  • Action weekend against packaging waste;
  • This holiday season, avoid being a victim of Wrap Rage.
  • Parents are being pushed to oppose toy packaging.
  • Don't forget about these current trendy buzzwords: The Hall of Shame for Packaging,

Oyster Awards from Consumer Reports; and packaging-related mishaps Yikes! Who wouldn't be on the lookout for something like this? But first, let's go through the fundamentals of packing. Before you start your customary holiday rant, consider the following packing facts.

Facts about packaging:

  • Packaging is the third-largest industry in the United States.
  • Packaging accounts for 10% of every dollar spent at retail.
  • Over a million people are employed in the packaging business.
  • 70 percent of all product packaging is for food.
  • The packaging industry is worth trillions of dollars.
  • The United States accounts for 25% of the global packaging economy, with China closing in fast.
  • The consumer is unaware of the importance of packaging in modern culture.
  • A product cannot exist without a package (in most cases).

So, what is the "packaging" reality in this case? During my investigation for this essay, I came across a stunning quantity of false or misunderstood facts.

I'm not sure about the following packing facts:

  • Does packaging account for one-third of the average household's garbage? Who defines who?
  • Do you know that the average person in the United States eats roughly 660 pounds of packaging? Are we going to eat this? (I kid you not)
  • 90% of that packaging ends up as solid garbage. This is not true, as evidenced by a recent conference I attended. It's more like 30-35 percent.

So, let's do a reality check here. Yes, there's poor wrapper; yes, a few goods are overpackaged; yes, we could perhaps give more thought to how we package products and how much packaging is used; yes, we should investigate more environmentally friendly materials. Finally, yes, we, in the packaging industry, should do a better job of educating consumers about product packaging.


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